Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Said the queen, "Ms. Dee Klein, I decline to recline on the equine." Say that five times, if you dare.

And, if you want another "Take 25 to Hollister" tongue twister, try this one.

As for the photo? I spied these equestrians  in a corral just north of Tres Pinos, while the husband was driving back to Hollister. We were on Highway 25, aka Airline Highway, of course.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Horse Hay 4 Sale

Jose and Jorge have horse hay for sale. Say that five times quickly.

The hay for sale was sighted on Airline Highway, aka Highway 25, heading to Tres Pinos. It was near Best Road, across from Ridgemark, in case you're needing some hay. But, don't ask for Jose or Jorge. I have no idea who owns the hay.

Monday, August 29, 2011


"Distances are very deceptive."

That is the example given in my thesaurus for the word deceptive. This picture provides proof for that phrase.

I'm standing on the sidewalk on McCray Street by Premiere Cinema, about a mile away from the cannery. See the smoke in the photo? That's coming from the cannery. Doesn't the smoke look like it is much further away than a mile?

That mountain peak at the far right of the photo. That's Fremont Peak, about 19 miles away. Doesn't it look so much nearer?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

It Is A . . .

You'll find this object throughout downtown Hollister. What do you think it is?

A sun dial?

A peace symbol?

A no parking sign?

Nope. Nah. Not at all.

Hint: You lock a transportation device to it.  I've noticed a lot more people—young and old—are riding these devices lately, particularly the beach cruisers. So cool!

Yep. You got it.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Bolado Gopher

Earthquake! just now.  It felt like one of those rolling waves. I'd say a 4.8. We shall see.

But, that's not what today's photo is about. Nope. Yesterday, the husband and I drove over to Bolado Park to deliver my entry fee for the upcoming San Benito County Fair. Alas, the office was closed. We wandered the grounds a bit to see if someone was still around. Nope. Just gophers. The one who went into the hole seconds before I took the photo was bigger than this guy.

I wonder how gophers handle earthquakes.



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