Friday, October 28, 2016

I Spy . . . Raindrops and a Schoolbus

I spy with my little eye this morning happy raindrops and a happy yellow elementary school bus.

Didn't you love all the rain this morning? Hope there's a lot more on the way.

Friday, October 21, 2016

I Spy . . . New Hiking Trails!

I spy with my little eye a new place in Hollister with trails for hiking, horses, and bicycles. Whooo-hooo!

The place is called Mudstone Ranch, which is part of the Hollister Hills State Vehicle Recreation Area. Not to worry. This section of the park is dedicated to non motorized activities, meaning you won't come across any dirt bikes, ATVs, or other motorized vehicles.

Having opened this summer, Mudstone Ranch is located on Cienega Road, a couple miles north of the main entrance to the Hollister Hills SVRA. If you're traveling from the north on Cienega Road, you'll find Mudstone Ranch soon after seeing the Hollister Hills Barn.

Happy trails to you.

Friday, October 14, 2016

I Spy . . . a New Restaurant Opening Soon!

I spy with my little eye activity going on in the old Pendergrass Hotel at the southwest corner of San Benito and Fifth Streets.  The sign says that a new restaurant is going up. A little bit of research uncovered a Benitolink article written this past July about the upcoming Hollister House Bar & Grill.

The article stated that the owner hoped for an October 1 opening. That's okay. Hollister's ready when you are!

Friday, October 7, 2016

I Spy . . . a Dinosaur!

I spy with my little eye one of the Swank Farms' dinosaurs from the sky. Roarrrrrrrrr!

By the way, the Swank Farms' corn maze and pumpkin patch are now open until October 31, 2016. If you haven't yet, go check out the fun. Swank's is located on San Felipe Road, just north of the Hollister Airport. Look for the dinosaur. For more info, visit the Swank Farms website.



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