Wednesday, December 31, 2014


from Santa Ana Valley Road
Our drought is far from over. There is a good but though and it is this: But, our hills are green, green, green! I cannot repeat myself enough. To me that means we are approaching normal -- as normal as can be.  Last year, our hills were dead brown, which was unusual, and they stayed that way for a few months. So, yippie ki-yay! for the rain that came our way this past month.

To one and all, Peace and Joy, as we embark on our new trip around the sun!

Today,  I am linking up at ABC Wednesday, which is hosted by Mrs. Nesbitt and her team of wonders. It's the letter Y today. Click here to read other Y posts by bloggers around the world.

And, one more thing for you today: Below is my 2014 album at Facebook, showing some things that took place in our area throughout the year.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Hahahahahahaha. . . 

Yes, press that button to get across the field.

And, please don't go soooooo fast across the field!

Ah, the illusion you can create with a bit of cropping. Hahahahaha.

If you must know, this is at the corner of Highway 25 and Union Road.  :-)

Being that it's Tuesday, you can find me over at Our World Tuesday checking out other parts of the world. Click here to join me.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Which Way to Go?

Either way would make for a wonderfully fun and scenic drive or bicycle ride along a country road southeast of Hollister. One way to get to this point is to turn left onto Quien Sabe Road from Highway 25, by the Immaculate Conception Church at the south end of Tres Pinos.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Another Gorgeous Sunday in San Benito County

This beautiful view is from the old El Camino Real in San Juan Bautista.  It's just below Mission San Juan Bautista.

Have a wonderful last Sunday of 2014!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Tres Pinos Countryside

Today's post is a continuation of the Husband's and my ride on Quien Sabe Road yesterday morning. Here's a black and white interpretation (with a film grain effect a la Photoshop) of the green countryside overlooking Tres Pinos. Highway 25 is just beyond the field where the skydivers land. To see how gorgeously verdant our world is right now, check out yesterday's photo.

To see more B&W photos by bloggers around the world, check out The Weekend in Black and White.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Enjoying the Reflection of Green

This morning, the Husband and I headed over to Tres Pinos to eat a yummy breakfast at Flapjack's Counry Cafe, followed by a drive on Quien Sabe Road. With stops now and then, of course, for me to take photos of the gorgeous green views.

To see photos of reflections caught by bloggers around the world, check out Weekend Reflections.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Dear Take 25 to Hollister Readers,

I wish you peace and love, joy and happiness on this Christmas Day!

~ Su-sieee! Mac

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Bakery in San Juan Bautista

 When I was a kid, the Mama would bring home freshly-baked French bread from the bakery in San Juan Bautista once or twice a week. Back then, it was known as the Paradis Bakery. Several owners later, the bakery at 319 Third Street is now called the San Juan Bakery & Grocery. The Husband and I like to stop by now and then to purchase a loaf of French bread for the Mama.

According to the San Juan Bautista Historic District Walking Tour pamphlet, the bakery is housed in the Gardella Building, which was built around 1860. Frank Gardella operated a store and, for his security, kept a parrot, which let him know when he was being robbed. For more interesting facts about the building and other places in San Juan Bautista, check out the pamphlet.

By the way, don't you just like the bakery's festive holiday display? Check out the painting in the left window. Look familiar? (Here's a close up.)

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Spotting Santa Around Hollister

The spirit of Santa Claus has been all over Hollister, from cute Santa dolls at the grocery stores to happy Santa prints in shop windows.

Santa has also showed up at various holiday parties and events throughout the month, including the annual Filipino American Community of San Benito County's Christmas dinner.

I even saw Santa, incognito, walking up and down San Benito Street in search of one of his reindeer. Did Santa find the reindeer? What do you think?

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Today is Our World Tuesday, and that's where I'll be checking out other blogs from around the world. Come join me by clicking here.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Rain Art

Last week, the rain created a pretty good size puddle at the corner of Fifth and Monterey. The puddle offered a cool reflection of a tree from across the street, as well as cool patterns from the rain. Do you see the face, by the way?

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Morning Breaking Over San Juan Valley

This view is of San Juan Valley, from Mission San Juan Bautista, looking to the east towards Hollister and the Diablo range. This is just before sunrise. The morning was overcast, but that didn't take away from the glory of the breaking of the day.

Today is the Winter Solstice. That means it's the shortest day -- and the longest night -- of the year, as the Earth travels around the sun.  Earth now begins its jig on its axis that causes us, in the Northern Hemisphere, to see the sun setting later each day until the Summer Solstice. The universe is amazing!

This morning the San Juan Intertribal Council held its 18th annual Winter Solstice Sunrise Ceremony at dawn in the mission to celebrate the day of Spirit Renewal. Listening to the songs, chants, and prayers as the light worked its way into the darkened church was uplifting to my soul.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Robots and Reflections

Doesn't it look like the camera-spider robot is taking a photo of the building across the street? Which building, you ask? Maybe both.

The robot and several others are currently on display in the windows at ArtSpace, 240 Fifth Street (corner of Fifth and San Benito Streets). The robots were created by Paul Loughridge who builds them out of everyday trash. To see more of his awesome work, check out his Pinterest page.

Today, I'm linking up with Weekend Reflections. To see photos of amazing reflections caught by bloggers around the world, please click here.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Glory, Glory Hallelujah!

"Wow, oh, wow, oh wow!" Thankfully Byxbee Road was up ahead. I turned the corner and came to a stop. Who wouldn't want to take a photo if she could, right?

To see a close-up of the mist rising from those fields in San Juan Valley, click here.

Today is Skywatch Friday. Click here to check out the sky in other parts of the world.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Soaring Over Highway 25

One day last week, the Husband and I were entertained by this large bird enjoying the breeze, as we waited for the light to walk across Highway 25 at Meridian Street.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Rising Mist in San Juan Valley

It's Wordless Wednesday. Click here to check out other posts with me.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

For Sale -- One Door

If you like shopping for antiques and collectibles, then stop by San Juan Bautista, about seven miles west of Hollister. That's where this collectible -- or antique -- door is hanging.

Today is Our World Tuesday. Click here to see what bloggers around the world are sharing about their neck of the woods.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Drying Out

The other day I saw a bunch of crows hanging out in a tree around the corner from Vertigo Coffee in San Juan Bautista. The crows looked like they were trying to dry their feathers before it rained again.

By the way, Vertigo is a comfy, cozy place to hang out and sip a cup of coffee and eat some yummy croissants, pizza, and other food, rain or shine.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Finally Going Green

Thanks to last week's rainstorm, the hills and mountains are going green. Hurrah! This is a view of Santa Ana Peak (part of the Diablo Range) from Highway 25.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Overlooking the Gabilan Range

The Husband and I climbed up the tallest hill in the old mission city of San Juan Bautista yesterday to catch a wonderful view of the rainy day.

Today is The Weekend in Black and White. Click here to check out other b&w photos by bloggers around the world.

Friday, December 12, 2014

The Morning After

Yesterday's rainstorm was the best one in the longest time. It started raining around mid noon and was still steadily going at midnight when I nodded off to sleep. We could have more rain today. Hooray!

As I'm writing, clouds are sweeping across the Diablo range to the east of town. Lovely!

Today's link is Skywatch Friday. Click here to check out other parts of the world.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Holiday Sparkle in Downtown Hollister

One of the lovely holiday traditions of Downtown Hollister is the sparkle, sparkle that brightens up San Benito Street at night.

Happy Holidays, One and All!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Signs of San Juan Bautista

About seven miles west of Hollister is the second biggest city in San Benito County -- San Juan Bautista. In 2013, the U.S. Census estimated its population to be 1,922.  It's a quaint town to wander around, especially if you're into exploring California history. The city was named after Mission San Juan Bautista, the fifteenth in the chain of 21 missions that the Spanish Franciscan friars built between San Diego and Sonoma.

The grounds of Carl Martin Luck Memorial Library and the adjoining Carl Martin Luck Museum and Carl Martin Luck Memorial Park were donated to the city by Francisca Luck, the daughter of Mr. Carl Martin Luck, when she passed away in 1974. She stipulated in her will that the property be used for a library, museum, and park complex in honor of the memory of her father, who operated a gas station there. Today, the renovated gas station is the museum. 

Every holiday season for the past 30-some years, the city puts up its beautifully hand painted wooden icons along Third Street, the city's main street. Restored in 2010 by local artists, the icons honor the saints for which the California missions were named.

Along with its history, San Juan Bautista offers visitors a richness in art and theater -- El Teatro Campesiño is based here, as well as a variety of shops and restaurants to enjoy. To start your exploration, check out this online guide of San Juan Bautista.

Today, I'm linking up at Our World Tuesday. To see what's going on in other parts of the world, please click here.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Late Afternoon Light

I like how the late afternoon light looks in downtown Hollister as the sun makes its way home for the night.  It pays to look up and see buildings bathed in yellow light. This is the southern face of the once-upon-a-time Pendergrass Hotel on Fifth and San Benito Streets.

Today is Monday Mellow Yellows. Click here to check out how bloggers around the world feature the color yellow.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Historic Path Below Old Mission San Juan Bautista

Below Old Mission San Juan Bautista is a short and easy walking path that overlooks the San Andreas Fault. We've been having some good rocking and rolling lately, by the way. Small healthy earthquakes in the threes and fours on the Richter magnitude scale to ease the tension of the fault. So, I hope.

Okay, back to the path which is actually a segment of the original El Camino Real that ran between the 21 California missions, from San Diego to Sonoma. You can access the path either by the stairs next to the mission or from the south at the end of Franklin Street. The path swings behind the mission and up to First Street by Casa Maria. Unfortunately, you are only allowed to walk part way on the path.

It's worth the venture, considering that you'd be briefly walking on the historic El Camino Real alongside the amazing San Andreas Fault as well as seeing some gorgeous views of San Juan Valley.

Saturday, December 6, 2014


That's Sunnyslope School in the background. I attended Fourth and Fifth grades there several decades ago. I remember looking across the street and seeing a small house surrounded by fields. Parked on its driveway was one, maybe two, rusted 1930s vehicles. Those fields are now covered by a medical complex and a neighborhood.

Today, I'm checking out black and white photos from bloggers around the world at The Weekend in Black and White. Come join me by clicking here.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Waxing Gibbous Moon

This past week, the moon has been in a waxing gibbous phase. That means it gets lit more each day by the sun as it approaches Full Moon. And, that is tomorrow!

I took this photo on Monday by the Methodist Church on Fifth Street in Hollister. The word gibbous comes from the Latin word gibbosus, which means humpbacked.  What do you think? Does the moon look like it's a humpback?

Today is Skywatch Friday. Click here to check out how the sky looks in other parts of the world.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Appreciating Local Military Men and Women

Lined around the Veterans Memorial Building and nearby streets in downtown Hollister are signs honoring local U.S. military men and women currently deployed overseas. The signs went up this past Veterans Day.

I'm linking up at the weekly meme Signs, Signs. To check out posts by other bloggers around the world, please click here.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Yuletide Trees in Hollister

Decorate a Tree was one of the wonderfully generous projects of the 2014 Lights on Celebration that took place last Saturday, November 29, 2014. More than two dozen trees were donated by Bourdet Christmas Trees and decorated by various non profit organizations, such as the Girls Scouts and the Friends of the San Benito County Library.

The Christmas trees were on display in front of the Briggs Memorial Building at the corner of Fourth and San Benito Streets. They were recently distributed to families in need within the community.

The 2014 Lights on Celebration is an annual event, sponsored by the Hollister Downtown Association.

Today, I'm linking up at Our World Tuesday. To check out blogs from other parts of the world, please click here.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Autumnal Mellow Yellows

Yellow leaves in the Fall. Of course, lots of them on the ground with red and orange leaves. But, yellow flowers in Autumn? Of course not. They pop up in Spring and Summer.

Wrong! Yellow daisies and yellow daylilies greeted me as I walked around the perimeter of the Sunnyslope Medical Center yesterday.

Today is Monday Mellow Yellows. That's where I'll be, checking out other posts featuring the color yellow. Click here to join me.



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