Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Our World: The San Benito County Fair

I never gave much thought to the definition of county fair. Nor did I ever wonder if the term was even in the dictionary. Until last night, that is.  In honor of the San Benito County Fair this weekend (October 3, 4, and 5), I thought I'd feature it every day this week, but, as usual, without a plan about what to post. And, when in a mire about what to write, I reach for the dictionary and if the dictionary inspires naught, the encyclopedia.

According to Merriam Webster, the term county fair is a noun.  It originated in 1856. It means "a fair usually held annually at a set location in a county especially to exhibit local agricultural products and livestock."   Oxford Dictionaries.com defines county fair one better: "A competitive exhibition of livestock, agricultural products, and household skills held annually by a town, county, or state and also featuring entertainment and educational displays."

The San Benito County Fair is held at Bolado Park, eight miles south of Hollister. According to the May 10, 1938 issue of the Free Lance,  in 1922, some folks asked Julia Bolado Davis if they could hold a county fair on part of her property. She said yes and the rest was history.

Today, I'm linking up with Our World Tuesday. I invite you to come check out posts by other bloggers around the world. Please click here

P.S. Here's the link to yesterday's post about the San Benito County Fair. By the way, I have no idea what I'll write about tomorrow.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Up Ahead: The 2014 San Benito County Fair

2011 San Benito County Fair

Yaay! It's county fair time in our part of the world. Over the next four days, children and adults are taking their entries down to Bolado Park for the San Benito County Fair. Then all through next weekend, we can stroll among the exhibits and check out all the wonderful entries—livestock, art, flower arrangements, photographs, paintings, crafts, cookies, pies, pickled vegetables, quilts, crafts, and so on.

2009 San Benito County Fair

The 91st annual San Benito County Fair runs from Friday, October 3 to Sunday, October 5. For details about hours, admission, and schedule, click here to go to the fair's website. The San Benito County Express will be offering a free bus shuttle to the fair, which will make stops in Hollister and San Juan Bautista.  Click here for the shuttle schedule.

2012 San Benito County Fair

Today, I'm hanging out at Smiling Sally's Blue Monday. Come join me by clicking here

By the way, I'll be posting photos from the past six fairs this week. 

2013 San Benito County Fair

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Heading Up to the Clouds

Yesterday was a gorgeous day to hike the Anza Trail, a mile or so south of the City of San Juan Bautista. The trail, formally known as the Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail, is 1,200 miles long, stretching from Nogales, Arizona to the Carquinez Straits in Contra Costa, California.

The local segment of the trail used to be the Old Stage Road, on which once upon a time stage coaches ran between San Juan Bautista and Salinas. The first mile of the 4.5 trail is a rather steep climb that I wonder how often passengers had to get off the coach and walk.

Today, I'm hanging out at The Weekend in Black and White. Click here to see other black and white photos by bloggers around the world.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

One of the Three Sisters

Don't let this photo fool you. The peak is further away than it looks. I took this from the north end of Santa Ana Valley Road when I was bicycling around the valley a couple weeks ago.

Friday, September 26, 2014

BBQ, Bread, and Honey

Where can you buy some of the best locally-made BBQ, European-style breads, and honey from San Benito County bees?

"Ooo-ooo, I know, I know," she said, waving her arms in the air.

Head for that empty lot on the west side of Highway 25, just before you reach Bertuccio's, which is near the corner of Union Road. Every Friday afternoon,  that lot is occupied by Mansmith's BBQSuncoast Organic Farm Bakery,  and Bray Apiaries. All of the foodstuffs are mighty delicious.

Hmmmm, what's for dinner?

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Rain! Yaaaaaay, Rain!

The sound of rain in the streets, the drain pipes, the roof, and all over is a very welcoming sound and sight for us who are experiencing a severe drought. And, it's really splashing and dripping and splattering with happy gusto right now.

I thought it was just fog out there so when I finally looked out the window this morning, voila, wet sidewalk. I quickly went out the front door to get the newspaper and, of course, to take photos of the rain.

Thank you, Great Spirit of the Universe!

Can you see the rain drops?

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Took Wing

One definition of to take wing is to become joyful.  Perhaps, these ocean birds flying over the Asilomar State Marine Reserve may not be able to smile, but I like to think their spirits wore joyful smiles. I know that's how I felt as the Husband and I took wing and wandered around Monterey yesterday.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Rumbling Through Town

I haven't seen too many big trucks rumbling through town since the Highway 25 bypass was built a few years ago.  So, this orange dude of a truck caught my eye as it rumbled through the intersection. I managed to get a shot before it got too far out of range.

I'm hanging out at Our World Tuesday. Click here to check out bloggers from other parts of the U.S. and the world.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Gorgeous San Benito County Scenery

Practically everywhere you look in San Benito County is a gorgeous scene. This is looking towards the Gabilan Mountains from the lot near Bertuccio's, off Airline Highway (aka Highway 25).

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Cute and Cozy for Now

After being out and about in the large sprawl of humanity of the Bay Area yesterday, the Husband and I were very happy, and relieved, to turn homeward on the Bolsa, aka Highway 25. I suppose one day our county will eventually become the southern end of the Bay Area sprawl, with houses and businesses lined up from beginning to end of Highway 25. But, I hope that will be in a far distant future. Until then we shall enjoy the comfort and coziness of a cute small town ambiance.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Gears Make the World Go Round

Where would farm machinery be without gears?

I took this photo a while back at Pinnacle Farm in San Juan Valley when we were purchasing some yummy organic produce at the farmstand. It's open every Saturday, from 9 AM to 1 PM. A great place to go locally when the Hollister Farmers Market closes this coming Wednesday.

The Weekend in Black and White—that's where I am today. Come join me by clicking here.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Courthouse Reflection

I like how our new Superior Court building is bathed in reflections. Not only do you see the reflection of trees and buildings on the courthouse windows, but you also see the wonderful play of light and shadows reflecting from the building overhang.

Today, I'm hanging out at Weekend Reflections. Come see other caught reflections by bloggers worldwide by clicking here.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sidewalk Signs in Downtown Hollister

Sandwich board signs in front of stores are rather quaint and personable. I saw quite a few of them when I was strolling through town the other day. I think the cutest of all the signs I saw was the one for Irma's Fashions. 

Until recently the City of Hollister prohibited the sidewalk signs. Don't know why, but I'm glad they decided to let businesses put out their signs again. Not only for the quaintness they bring to downtown Hollister, but also the business they bring to the shops and restaurants when customers suddenly pop in because they saw the signs.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Just Like in the Movies. Not.

Fire escapes are fascinating such as this one on the old Pendergrass Hotel at the corner of Fifth and San Benito Streets.

At the time of the Loma Prieta Quake (in 1989), the first husband and I were living on the second floor of a three-story brownstone apartment building across from Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. When the building stopped rumbling and shaking, we raced to the front door, but it was blocked by fallen bookshelves and a whole lot of books. Without any hesitation, we ran over to the window and climbed out onto the rooftop over the garages. We started to climb down the fire escape only to find that we would have to jump over 12 feet down to the sidewalk. We did not.

Until that moment, I always thought once you got to the bottom rung of a fire escape, it would automatically and smoothly deliver you to the sidewalk. Just like in the movies.  Ha!

Hopefully, the fire escape of the old Pendergrass Hotel was never used. And, if it was, what did the people do when they got to that last rung?

It's Wednesday, so I'm hanging out at Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC Wednesday checking other J posts. I invite you to join me by clicking here.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Puddy Cat

The other day, I was standing in front of the Porter House on Monterey Street, fantasizing yet again about having an office in the tower room. Then I gazed down to the front porch, which I also admire, when I saw something on the drying lawn.

I "taut I taw a puddy cat."

And, just as Tweety Bird said, "I did, I did. I did see a puddy cat."

If you'd like to know a bit of history about the Porter House and see a photo of the tower, please click here.

Today is Our World Tuesday, and that's where I'm hanging out. Come join me by clicking here.

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Hidden Deer Hunter

This is what I like about Photoshop: By cropping and enlarging a part of an image, I find treasure. For instance, I don't think I would have ever noticed the deer hunter in the mural on the old Muenzer's store on Fifth Street in downtown Hollister. All these years, I thought it was just a deer up there. But, then, after all, Muenzer's was where folks used to buy their sporting goods and fishing and hunting licenses.

Here's the full image of the deer mural, which is on the right-hand side of the store name. (And, if you click here, you can see a close-up of the other side of the mural.)

Today, I'm hooking up at Monday Mural. Hope you'll join me to check out murals from other parts of the world by clicking here.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

A San Benito Street Reflection

As I passed by the  Best of Times Cafe the other morning, I couldn't help but stop to take a photo of the reflection in the restaurant's window.  Wouldn't you?

I'm hanging out at Weekend Reflections today. Come join me by clicking here.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Beyond Wentz Alley

The wondrous things I can see while waiting for the Husband to pay the utility bill in downtown Hollister.

I'm taking part in The Weekend in Black and White. Click here to check out other B&W photos from bloggers around the world.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Sunset Over the Gabilan Range

I took this photo from the San Juan Oaks Golf Golf last Friday. As the sun was setting, the moon was rising behind me.

I'm hooking up at Skywatch Friday. Please click here to see sky views from around the world.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Flashbacks

Yesterday afternoon at the Hollister Downtown Farmers Market, The Flashbacks, a doo wop group got the crowd smiling, clapping, tapping their feet, and swaying to their groove. You can hear them yourselves at the San Benito County Fair on Saturday, October 4, and at the San Benito Olive Festival on Saturday, October 11. Both events will be at Bolado Park.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

2014 Mexican Independence Day Parade

2013 Mexican Independence Day Parade.
To see more photos of last year's parade, please click here.

Coming up in Hollister on Sunday, September 14, is the Mexican Independence Day Parade.  Starting at 11:30 AM, the parade will march down San Benito Street, from Nash Road to Fifth Street. The parade celebrates the day—September 16, 1810—that Mexico declared itself free of 300 years of rule under Spain, thus starting the Mexican War of Independence.

I'm hanging out at Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC Wednesday today, which is featuring the letter I. Click here to check out what other bloggers are posting.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Blenheim Apricots on Fairview Road

Have you seen the Ag in Classroom sign of B & R Farms on Fairview Road? It lets you know what fruit is growing in the orchards there. The sign is one of several agricultural signs posted on farms and ranches throughout San Benito County. To see a few more signs, please click here.

To learn more about the Ag in Classroom project, read "Farm Bureau Signs Celebrate Local Ag History" by Alexandria Triolo, which was published at BenitoLink.com.

Today, I'm hanging out at Our World Tuesday. Please click here to check out what other bloggers from around the world are writing about their neck of the woods.

Monday, September 8, 2014

A Mellow Yellow Topper

I think these are palm trees, but don't quote me on that. They called out to me to take a photo of them as I walked down the driveway at Four Winds Growers in Aromas earlier this year.

Today, I'm hanging out at Monday Mellow Yellows. I invite you to join me to check out mellow yellow posts from around the world.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Up on the Rooftop Helicopters Pause

CALSTAR stands for California Shock Trauma Air Rescue. Thank goodness for CALSTAR! It transports patients at Hazel Hawkins Hospital who require special treatment to hospitals in the Bay Area.

CALSTAR is a nonprofit air ambulance service that serves several regions in our states. San Benito County is part of the CALSTAR 5 area, which also serves the Monterey, Santa Cruz, and Northern San Luis Obispo counties. For more information, visit the CALSTAR website.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Lone Tree Road

There's nothing like a morning bicycle ride on a country road.

I'm hooking up at Weekend in Black & White. Come check out other black and white photos with me by clicking here.

Friday, September 5, 2014

A Downtown Reflection

As I was walking past the empty shop on San Benito Street, next to Wentz Alley, I noticed the  reflection in the shop's window. It's the biker mural on the side of the infamous Johnny's Bar & Grill. Click here to see how it looks first hand. A pretty cool mural, don't you agree?

Take 25 in Hollister is six years old today! Whoooo-hoooo! For the curious, here's the link to the first post, What a Cute Town! Hollister most certainly is.

I'm hanging out at Weekend Reflections today. To see other reflections from around the world, please click here.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Limekiln Monorail


Limekiln Monorail
Built in 1894 by J.J. Burt to carry "diamond brand" lime from Harlan Mt. to the S.P. Railroad at Tres Pinos.
The track was a single wooden rail. The locomotive was wood fueled steam operated. On its maiden voyage, the engine exploded while taking on water from Pescadero Creek thus ending the operation forever.  
So states this E Clampus Vitus plaque that stands towards the southern end of Cienega Road, which was erected on April 21, 1979 by Monterey Viejo Chapter 1846. 

Doesn't the idea of a monorail at the turn of the 19th century running all the way from Tres Pinos to Cienega Road just astound you? It does me. 

J.J. Burt was the owner of the Cienega Lime Works, which makes sense for the name of Limekiln Road off Cienega Road.

The New York Railroad Men reprinted an article about the monorail in its October 1891 issue, Vol. 5, No. 1, page 722. It begins: 
A curious little railroad train goes crawling up and down the mountain from Tres Pinos to Burt's lime kiln in the Gavilan range, San Benito county, every day. It is probably the strangest railroad that ever was seen; yet, thus far, not a word has ever been printed regarding it. The train moves on a curious single track and is drawn by an engine set low on it.
If you'd like to continue reading the article, click here. For a relatively more current article, check out this piece by David B. Simons Jr., that's posted at The Monorail Society website.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Hiring in Hollister

Ah, the things you can see while taking a walk. I wonder why the band members decided this lamp post next to K-Mart would be a perfect place to put their help wanted sign.

Today Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC Wednesday features the letter H. Click here to check out what other bloggers have posted.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A Rocky Hillside

This hillside on Lone Tree Road is riddled with rocks all the way to the top. It reminded me of the hillsides to the east of Lassen Volcanic National Park, in Northern California, that are landscaped with rocks, which had been spitted out of a volcano millions of years ago.

Seeing this hillside got me wondering if the rocks had hurled out of a long forgotten ancient volcano in San Benito county. What do you think?

I'm hanging out at Our World Today. Want to join me? Click here.

Monday, September 1, 2014

A Mellow Yellow Tractor

I saw this old guy on Southside Road. Notice the crank? I wouldn't mind having it standing in our front yard. I can already see it sporting many kinds of flowers.

Monday Mellow Yellows is where I am today. Click here to see what bloggers around the world are posting.



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