Showing posts with label arts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label arts. Show all posts

Monday, September 19, 2016

A Bushel and A Peck of Talent!

There was a great deal of local talent to be seen and heard this past Saturday afternoon. Young and old. Everyone of these artists were full of energy, passion, and delight.

The youthful dance troupe in the photo above are students from Sammy's Animation Dance Community. They caught the Husband's and my attention immediately upon arrival at the annual LULAC Community Health Fair, which was held at the Hollister Community Center. The young men and women performed hip hop individually and together. They were popping and locking, tumbling, and doing all sorts of amazing choreographed and improvised steps.

Moondance, a group of outstanding musicians, also performed at Saturday's health fair. Actually, the Husband and I attended just to hear the band play. This band rocks big time!

Originally formed in 1976, Moondance performs at local events as well as at private parties and various venues, such as Ridgemark County Club, Mom & Pop's Saloon,  Chillin & Grillin Roadhouse, in and nearby Hollister. You can learn more about Moondance, along with hearing them play at its website.

Zack Freitas was performing his original songs, along with popular cover songs, at Fisher's Delicatessen during the Downtown Hollister Beer and Bacon Crawl. Zach has a unique voice. Intense. Intimate. Thoughtful. Listen for yourself at Zack's website.

Zack, Moondance, and the dancers from Sammy's Animation Dance Community are only the tip of talented artists from Hollister.  We are fortunate!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

A Sunday Treat

A few Sundays ago, while the Husband, our friends, and I were walking around San Juan Bautista, we came across the performers of El Teatro Campesiño practicing their songs on their building's front steps. Of course, we had to stop and enjoy the music.

El Teatro Campesiño turned 50 years old this year. Check out this interview about the stage troupe and its founder Luis Valdez, written by Frank Perez published in BenitoLink.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

"Catch Me if You Can"

Catch Me if You Can, a Tony nominated Broadway musical, is now playing for the next two weekends at The Granada Theater in Downtown Hollister. It's presented by the San Benito Stage Company.

A very talented all-teen cast tells the story of real-life Frank Abagnale, Jr. in words, song, and dance. A con artist and check forger, Abagnale manages to stay two steps ahead of the FBI while impersonating a teacher, pilot, lawyer, or pediatrician. If the title and story sound familiar, then you probably saw the movie Catch Me if You Can, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, upon which the musical is based. So, you also know that Abagnale became an FBI instructor and consultant, helping the law enforcement agency investigate fraud and scam crimes.

To learn more about the play, check out this article, "Preview: Catch Me if You Can: The Musical", written by Lois Locci at Benitolink.

Catch Me if You Can performances are:
  • Friday, November 6, and Saturday, November 7, at 7:00 p.m.
  • Sunday, November 8, at 2:00 p.m.
  • Friday, November 13, and Saturday, November 14, at 7:00 p.m.

  • Tickets are available at the door, as well as at Postal Graphics and San Benito Bene. Admission for adults is $15, and $12 for children, students, and senior citizens.                            

    Wednesday, October 28, 2015

    Dia de los Muertos with El Teatro Campesiño

    This weekend, El Teatro Campesiño will start off its 50th year with its annual Dia de los Muertos celebration in San Juan Bautista. Through dance, music, art, and altar offerings, the locally-based, renowned theater company will honor and remember the dearly departed. The event will begin on Friday, October 29 and go through Sunday, November 1.

    Joining in the celebration is the Esperanza del Valle Folkloric Dance Troupe, which will perform throughout the weekend at the Playhouse on 705 4th Street.
    • Friday, 8:00 p.m.
    • Saturday, 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
    • Sunday,  4:00 p.m.
    The dance group will perform traditional dances from the Huasteca, Veracruz, Nayarit, Jalisco, and Colima regions, as well as perform Macaria, an original choreodrama that the dance troupe adapted from the novel written by B. Traven. Tickets can be purchased online at Brown Paper Tickets.

    El Teatro will also have traditional and artistic altars on display at the Playhouse. The public can view the altars, for free, during these hours:
    • Friday, 7:00 p.m. with Altar Blessing and Danza at 7:15 p.m.
    • Saturday, 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.
    • Sunday, 1:00 p.m. with a closing Danza Blessing
    As in past years, El Teatro will lead a Dia del los Muertos procession through the historic streets of San Juan Bautista. The parade will be held twice—6:00 p.m. on Saturday and 2:00 p.m. on Sunday.

    Monday, October 26, 2015

    Talented High School Thespians

    On Friday evening, the Husband and I enjoyed watching No Signs of Intelligent Life, a comedy performed by the San Benito High School Drama 3 class at the Baler auditorium.

    The play was about extraterrestrials from the far distant planet of Gilroy pretending to be humans so as to study them more closely. The space aliens are hilariously confused and dumbfounded with the ways of the humans as they relate to them in such situations as gossiping around the workplace water cooler, substitute teaching, dating, survival camping, and purchasing a fast food hamburger.

    The young men and women totally delivered the funny. Their passion and joy for the craft of acting was so infectious that I wanted to suddenly audition for a play.

    The drama department has several other performances scheduled for the rest of the year. No doubt, they'll be as entertaining as the one we saw.
    • November 13: ComedySportz (competitive improvisational comedy)
    • January 15: ComedySportz
    • March 17, 18, 19, 24, and 25: Thoroughly Modern Millie (musical)
    • April 8: Variety Show/Faculty Follies
    • April 22: ComedySportz
    • May 12 and 13: Student-directed One-Act Festival

    Thursday, October 22, 2015

    Final Free Fall Concert

    This Saturday, October 24, 2015, will be the last concert of the Music in the Park series in Dunne Park on Seventh Street in Downtown Hollister. The concert will run from 4 to 6 p.m. Bring your own blankets or low-back chairs, as well as snacks and drinks. No alcoholic beverages are allowed in the park.

    Performing from 4 to 5 p.m.  will be Folklorico Juvenil de Lucy Rodriguez, a dance troupe composed of girls and boys, ages 3 to 15. The dance group performs traditional folkloric dances from Mexico.

    Closing out the concert will be The Flashbacks, which will perform from 5 to 6 p.m. The local group, with its smooth voices, is popular for singing 1950s doo-wop songs.

    Music in the Park is a monthly concert sponsored by Mr. O's Academy of the Arts, which began this past August. The free concert series will return in Spring 2016. Thanks, Mr. O!

    Monday, September 28, 2015

    Folklorico Juvenil de Lucy Rodriguez

    Folklorico Juvenil de Lucy Rodriguez of Hollister is a dance troupe made up of girls and boys between the ages of 3 and 15. The dancers perform a variety of traditional Mexican folk dances, under the guidance and instruction of Lucy Rodriguez.

    The group performs at various local events. The pictures here show them at last Saturday's Music in the Park at Dunne Park. They're slated to perform at the San Benito Olive Festival at Bolado Park on Saturday, October 17, 2015.

    Ms. Rodriguez invites any child interested in becoming part of the dance troupe to come to its practice on Tuesday, from 4 to 5 p.m., at Mr. O's Academy of the Arts.

    Sunday, August 30, 2015

    Saturday in the Park

    It was a perfect lazy afternoon at Dunne Park yesterday. Just as Saturday ought to be—relaxing on the lawn, eating, watching kids play, chatting with friends, and listening to the music of our local bands.

    Dave Huboi & the Architecturals performed the first hour of the Music in the Park concert, while Mr. O's Jazz Bank played the second hour. We are fortunate to have wonderfully talented local musicians.

    The free Music in the Park concerts in Dunne Park were organized by Greg Harvey of the Joshua Inn Bed & Breakfast and Mr. O's Academy of the Arts. Last Saturday afternoon was the first of three concerts. The next two will be September 26 and October 24.  They'll be both Saturday afternoon, from 4 to 6 p.m.

    Here are few more photos from Saturday.

    Friday, August 21, 2015

    Music in the Park

    Saturday, August 29, 2015, is the date for the first of three upcoming free Music in the Park concerts in Downtown Hollister. Everyone is invited—young and old, singles and families. 

    The concert will be from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Dunne Memorial Park on Seventh Street, between West and Powell Streets. 

    The performers will be Mr. O's Jazz Band and David Huboi and the Architecturals.

    Mr. O's Jazz Band at the 2014 San Benito County Fair

    The concerts will be held near the tennis courts. Planners say to bring a blanket and/or low-back chairs to sit on. And, yes, we can also bring a picnic or refreshments. Reminder: No wine, beer, or any other kind of alcohol is allowed in the city park. 

    The next concerts will be September 26, 2015 and October 24, 2015. Both Saturdays.

    Mr. O's Academy of the Arts is sponsoring the free concerts. 
    If any musicians and bands would like to perform at future concerts, contact Mr. O. (Contact details are on Mr. O's Academy's website.)

    For more details on this Saturday's event, check out this Facebook page

    David Huboi & The Architecturals at the 2013 San Benito Olive Festival

    Monday, July 27, 2015

    Fremont Memorial Tunnel

    A long time ago, a tunnel was built beneath Fourth Street so that schoolchildren could safely cross the busy street to go to and from Fremont School, which used to be where the present-day courthouse stands.

    Recently, a mural honoring the memory of Fremont School and the schoolchildren was painted on the Fourth Street underpass. It's an amazing mural, full of life and brilliant colors.

    The designer, Arturo Rosette, the Fine Arts Chair at Gavilan College, based the mural on photos he found in the San Benito County Historical Society's archives. The silhouettes are of children who went to Fremont School, including the mural's painter, Roy Darr II.

    For more about the mural, check out this story by John Chadwell at And, to check out another Downtown Hollister mural designed by Arturo Rosette, click here.

    Today is the Monday Mural meme, hosted by Oakland Daily Photo. Click here to check out other murals from around the world.

    Monday, July 20, 2015

    Calpulli Itzpapalotl Danza Azteca

    Calpulli Itzapapaloti Danza Azteca is a local Pre-Columbian Aztec dance troupe that performs at various events and functions, such as last Saturday's Street Festival and Car Show in Downtown Hollister.

    According to its Facebook page, the group offers free instruction to anyone interested in learning Aztec dance. Beginners are welcome to observe or participate. The group holds practices at the First Presbyterian Church in Hollister on Thursdays, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

    For more information about the dance troupe, visit its Facebook page.

    Today, I'm linking up at Monday Mellow Yellows, hosted by Gemma Wiseman. Click here to see more mellow yellows by bloggers around the world.

    Tuesday, June 9, 2015


    Mary Poppins is coming to Hollister!

    The musical play, that is. The San Benito Stage Company will be presenting it in July at the Granada Theater.

    It's Tuesday and that means Our World Tuesday. Click on the link to check out other participants from around the world.

    Monday, March 9, 2015

    March – May 2015 Annual Events in San Benito County

    Who else wants to know when the annual events are happening in Hollister, San Juan Bautista, Aromas, and other places in San Benito County? Yup, me, too. Over the next few days, I'll post dates for upcoming events in 2015.  Today, check out what will be up in March, April and May. Click the following links to find out about events in other months:
    •  June - July 2015
    •  August - October 2015
    •  November - December 2015

    MARCH 2015

    March 20: Champagne Tea and Treasure Fundraiser for the Women's Club and Friends of the Library 

    APRIL 2015

    April 3 - 5: 25th Annual Arts, Crafts and Music Festival at Casa de Fruta

    April 11: Walk a Mile in Her Shoes

    April 18: Hollister Downtown Association Plant Sale and Garden Expo 

    April 18 - 19: Annual Cactus and Succulent Spring Show and Sale in San Juan Bautista, sponsored by the Monterey Bay Cactus & Succulent Society of America

    April 25 - 26: Open Studios Art Tour throughout San Benito County

    MAY 2015

    May 2: Downtown Wine and Beer Stroll 

    May 2 - 3: 31st Annual California Indian Market & Peace Pow Wow

    May 6 - September 30: Certified Farmers' Market — every Wednesday, from 3 to 7:30 p.m., in Downtown Hollister

    May 16 - 17:  Annual San Juan Bautista Rib Cook-Off

    Saturday, December 20, 2014

    Robots and Reflections

    Doesn't it look like the camera-spider robot is taking a photo of the building across the street? Which building, you ask? Maybe both.

    The robot and several others are currently on display in the windows at ArtSpace, 240 Fifth Street (corner of Fifth and San Benito Streets). The robots were created by Paul Loughridge who builds them out of everyday trash. To see more of his awesome work, check out his Pinterest page.

    Today, I'm linking up with Weekend Reflections. To see photos of amazing reflections caught by bloggers around the world, please click here.

    Monday, November 3, 2014

    A Sunday Concert

    Yesterday, the Rancho-Maze Band and the Pacific Brass Band joined together to give an enjoyable afternoon concert at the Rancho San Justo gymnasium.  It was a fundraiser for the Hollister middle school band composed of student musicians from Rancho San Justo and Marguerite Maze Middle School.

    Performing first was the Pacific Brass Band . It's an authentic British-style brass band, one of a few in the western United States. The band plays traditional brass band songs, as well as marches, rags, American folk songs, and songs from musicals.  The band is composed of musicians from San Benito, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, and Monterey counties.

    My favorite piece of the seven songs they played yesterday was The Old Grumbly Bear (Der Alte Brummbar), which featured the tuba. If the smoothness of butter could have a sound, it would be the loveliness that comes out of the tuba.

    The Rancho-Maze Band performed four songs under the direction of Mr. Ruben Morales. The student musicians held their own alongside the Pacific Brass Band. The clarinet section had me wanting to learn the instrument. And, I really dug the spirit of the Cymbal Girl.

    America the Beautiful was the last piece of the afternoon, performed joyously by both the Rancho-Maze Band and the Pacific Brass Band.

    December Fundraisers

    Mark your calendar for two awesome fundraisers in December for the Rancho-Maze Band.

    On December 6 and 7, the Rancho-Maze Band will be taking part in the Barnes & Noble Book Fair in Gilroy, as well as the Barnes & Noble Online Book Fair through December 12. A percentage of your purchases made at the store or online will go to the band. For more details, click here

    On December 10, at 7 p.m., the Rancho Maze Holiday Concert will take place at the Rancho San Justo gymnasium. The band will hold a raffle for such items as a candy basket, Kendamas, golf passes, tickets to the Monterey County Symphony, Happy Hollow passes, and much, much more. The Grand Prize is worth $600: four one-day hopper passes to Disneyland.  You must be present to win. For more details, click here.

    Thursday, August 28, 2014

    Popol Vuh: Heart of Heaven

    Over the next two weekends, El Teatro Campesiño, of San Juan Bautista, will offer free outdoor performances of Popol Vuh: Heart of Heaven in San Juan Bautista and Hollister. This original play is based on the sacred creation book, Popol Vuh, of the Mayans. It uses large-scale puppets, pageantry, and live music to tell the story of how the creators formed the  universe and earth. The play is narrated in English, Spanish, and Qu'iche Mayan. For a detailed description of the play, please click here.

    On August 30, August 31, and September 1, at 3 PM,  Popol Vuh: Heart of Heaven, will be performed at the San Juan Soccer Field in San Juan Bautista. On September 6 and 7, at 3 PM, it will be presented at Dunne Park in Hollister. 

    Remember, it's free! And, it's perfect for children of all ages. Be sure to bring your hats, water, and chairs.

    Thursday, August 21, 2014

    Los Niños Bailando en El Calle

    Yesterday afternoon, this group of young dancers performed baile folklorico at the Downtown Hollister Farmers Market.  It was certainly fun and enjoyable to watch the children dancing in the street (los niños bailando en el calle).

    Baile folkorico is a type of Latin American dance that integrates ballet dance techniques with regional folk culture.  Here's the Wikipedia link that explains baile folklorico better. Sorry I missed the name of the local dance troupe.

    Today is Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday. I invite you to come along with me and visit other bloggers who have posted stories and photos around the letter N.

    Monday, August 11, 2014

    Veterans' Mural on Third Street

    Last month, artist Philip Ray Orabuena and his friends painted a mural dedicated to the Veterans of the Iraqi and Afghanistan wars on the retaining wall at the bottom of Park Hill on Third Street. Check out their story at BenitoLink: "Veterans' Mural Makes a Statement" and at San Benito County Today: "Painting the Town Patriotic Through Mural".

    Below are close-ups of the 105-foot long mural. Before you take a look, I'd like you know that I'm hooking up this post at Monday Murals. If you'd like to see murals from other parts of the U.S. and the world, click over to this link after checking the close-ups of the Veterans' Mural.



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