Friday, July 29, 2016

I Spy . . . Stripes of Different Hues

I spy with my little eye fantastic strips of pinks, yellows, browns, and whites on a eucalyptus tree next to the San Juan Bautista Library on Second Street.

Today I learned that the eucalyptus tree, the largest flowering plant, is a rainforest tree species. Poor tree must miss the coolness like us, humans.

Friday, July 22, 2016

I Spy . . . Sunflowers

I spy with my little eye sunflowers growing near the corner of Fifth and West Streets. Every summer I am surprised when I see sunflowers smiling at this spot. Many thanks to the person who grows and tends to them.

Friday, July 15, 2016

I Spy . . . a Sandwich Sign

I spy with the my little eye a billboard advertising sandwiches far beneath the near distant Santa Ana Peak.

I took this photo earlier this week from San Felipe Road as the Husband and I were slowing down for  the stoplight at Highway 156. A few days later, we went searching for the sign because I was curious: Who is selling the sandwiches?

We couldn't find the sign. Hmmmm.

Friday, July 8, 2016

I Spy . . . a Dancing Cactus

I spy with my little eye a dancing cactus on Fourth Street in San Juan Bautista. Actually, I saw quite a few cacti dancing over there that day the Husband and I were taking a stroll after eating breakfast at Vertigo Coffee. Giggle.

Friday, July 1, 2016

I Spy . . . the First Biker through the Gate

I spy with my little eye the first biker to rumble down San Benito Street when the gates to the 2016 Hollister Independence Rally officially opened this morning.  This annual biker rally is a three-day event, ending on Sunday, July 3.

Thousands of bikers are expected to descend onto our small city, which some bikers describe as the Birthplace of the American Biker. If you want to know how our town got that designation, click here.

Admission to the rally is free. There shall be lots of food and drink, activities, and three stages for bands and other live entertainment. For details, head over to the Hollister Independence Rally web site.



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