Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Huge, Old Gorgeous Trees

The trees in front of the old Hazel Hawkins Hospital are sooooo big, I couldn't fit them in the photo. Well, I could've stepped back a couple more feet or put the camera setting on panorama. Maybe next time the Husband and I walk this way on Monterey Street in historical downtown Hollister.

We have no idea what kind of trees they are. The Husband thinks they're more than a 100 years old. Perhaps they were planted at the same time the former hospital was built, which would've been around 1907.

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  1. Great humungous trees, and sadly I have no light whatsoever to shed on what type they might be. I like the angle to the horizontal that you've taken the shot add - makes it more dynamic. All the best, Bonny

  2. You know it's a big tree when it won't fit into your camera's viewfinder! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

  3. Beautiful giants

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    =^..^= . <3 . >< } } (°>

  4. It is so wonderful to see old trees like these thriving!

    1. Earlier this year, a branch on one of them fell onto a car below it. I was very thankful that the city didn't decide to cut all the trees down.


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