Friday, August 26, 2016

I Spy . . . Doughnut Holes

I spy with my little eye light and fluffy doughnut holes from the San Juan Bakery on Third Street. Yummmmm. One or two of these glazed nuggets, along with a more substantial pastry and coffee make for a happy breakfast. Once in a while, of course.

The Husband and I like to eat our treats at the cute table outside the bakery or take them down to the park next to the San Juan Bautista City Library. It's a great way to start our morning of doing a bunch of errands.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

What's Happening: Free Entry Days to the Pinnacles

Tomorrow, August 25, 2016, is the 100th Anniversary of the National Park Service.  Happy Anniversary, NPS! 

To celebrate its centennial, NPS is offering free admission to its parks for four days, from August 25 to August 28. That includes our own Pinnacles National Park.  Whooo-hooo! Enjoy!

Friday, August 19, 2016

I Spy . . . A Lot of Fun to be Had.

I spy with my little eye so many possibilities of things to do in San Benito County.

Just today, the Husband and I headed over to San Benito Bene in Hollister to purchase our tickets for the Gourmet Roasted Chicken Dinner Take-Out Fundraiser on August 23, 2016, for the San Benito Olive Festival.  Yummmm. We also bought our tickets for the Downtown Beer & Bacon Crawl on September 17, 2016.  I saw on the tickets that the LTD Sedan & Limo Service is offering free rides that day. TrĂ©s cool!

What else?  Well, how about. . .

And, lots, lots more. I could write a book. Maybe I ought to. What do you think?

Friday, August 12, 2016

I Spy . . . Happy Hour

I spy with my little eye a sign for Happy Hour at Vertigo Coffee Roasters in San Juan Bautista!

Vertigo Coffee Roasters .  .  . craft beer by local breweries .  .  . wood-fired brick oven pizza .  .  .  and Happy Hour! What's not to like with that combination, eh?

Friday, August 5, 2016

I Spy . . . A Little Old Cute Airplane

I spy with my little eye a classic single-engine airplane proudly on display at the Frazier Lake Airport in Hollister.  Actually, I saw several sweet antique aircraft last month there.

Frazier Lake Airpark is a small, private airport several miles to the north of Downtown Hollister. It's located on Frazier Lake Road, off Shore Road.

On the first Saturday of the month (which is tomorrow, August 6, 2016), the airport has an exhibit of antique aircraft, such as the Cessna 180, Stearman, and Stinson, on its grounds. The display is free and open to the public from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

For for information about Frazier Lake Airpark, check out its website.



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