Friday, August 19, 2016

I Spy . . . A Lot of Fun to be Had.

I spy with my little eye so many possibilities of things to do in San Benito County.

Just today, the Husband and I headed over to San Benito Bene in Hollister to purchase our tickets for the Gourmet Roasted Chicken Dinner Take-Out Fundraiser on August 23, 2016, for the San Benito Olive Festival.  Yummmm. We also bought our tickets for the Downtown Beer & Bacon Crawl on September 17, 2016.  I saw on the tickets that the LTD Sedan & Limo Service is offering free rides that day. TrĂ©s cool!

What else?  Well, how about. . .

And, lots, lots more. I could write a book. Maybe I ought to. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. You already have a book - a great one - right here on your blog. But then, you knew that, right?


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