Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Puddy Cat

The other day, I was standing in front of the Porter House on Monterey Street, fantasizing yet again about having an office in the tower room. Then I gazed down to the front porch, which I also admire, when I saw something on the drying lawn.

I "taut I taw a puddy cat."

And, just as Tweety Bird said, "I did, I did. I did see a puddy cat."

If you'd like to know a bit of history about the Porter House and see a photo of the tower, please click here.

Today is Our World Tuesday, and that's where I'm hanging out. Come join me by clicking here.


  1. Great shot of the puddy cat!

    Life in the Carolina Mountains

    1. Thanks. The puddy cat was very nice not to run away when she (or he) saw me pointing the camera at her (or him).


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