Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Took Wing

One definition of to take wing is to become joyful.  Perhaps, these ocean birds flying over the Asilomar State Marine Reserve may not be able to smile, but I like to think their spirits wore joyful smiles. I know that's how I felt as the Husband and I took wing and wandered around Monterey yesterday.


  1. I want to take pictures of birds, the cranes, flying in tandem over my house every morning, they were really amazing, and in the evening, sadly but still nature, it was the crows flying the opposite direction.

    You had a wonderful day in a beautiful country with a lovely man, there is nothing more you could wish for

    1. So true, Lisa. Our day was our wish come true for the moment. :-)

  2. The rocky coast, the lone tree, the lines of birds passing over the waves. That's Monterrey!

  3. Lovely photo. And how lovely to be able to take wing and wander around Monterey. I hope you and your husband had a truly splendid time. All the best, Bonny

    1. Thank you, Bonny. It was a wonderful day of playing hooky.


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