Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Spotting Santa Around Hollister

The spirit of Santa Claus has been all over Hollister, from cute Santa dolls at the grocery stores to happy Santa prints in shop windows.

Santa has also showed up at various holiday parties and events throughout the month, including the annual Filipino American Community of San Benito County's Christmas dinner.

I even saw Santa, incognito, walking up and down San Benito Street in search of one of his reindeer. Did Santa find the reindeer? What do you think?

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Today is Our World Tuesday, and that's where I'll be checking out other blogs from around the world. Come join me by clicking here.


  1. Yes, he is definitely everywhere :-) I like those Santas in the first shot :-) Merry Christmas...

  2. So cute.... :-)

    I hope you get a really nice Christmas together with family and friends. ♥ Don't stress to much!


    1. Thank you, Laila. It was a wonderful two days of celebration.


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