Thursday, April 5, 2012

Pacific Harvest Seafoods

As you drive east on Highway 156, you may see this sign as you come to the traffic light outside of San Juan Bautista. On Fridays and Saturdays, that is.

You may also see the sign (or one similar) as you're turning left from San Juan Bautista onto Highway 156. If you're like the Husband and me, you see the sign too late and head home wondering what the sign is all about.

Well, it took several weeks before the Husband and I remembered to be in the correct lane to cross Highway 156. We followed additional signs and just past the fork to the Juan Bautista de Anza Historic National Trail, we found Pacific Harvest Seafoods.

Yep. You read correctly. A seafood distributor in San Juan Bautista! Pacific Harvest Seafoods processes and delivers fresh and frozen fish and shellfish  to restaurants and markets throughout San Francisco and Monterey Bay areas. They sell both wild-caught and farmed fish.

Every Friday and Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., the fish place sells directly to the public. Cash only. The other week, we bought fresh snapper. And, I mean fresh! Yummmmm.

Note to FTC: Nope, I was not given any money or free fish to write about this company. I'm just happy there's a source for fresh, wild-caught seafood in my neck of the woods. I'm sure others would be happy to know, too.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hello Art!

You never know when you'll meet or see Art as you take a walk on San Benito Street in downtown Hollister.

Here. . .

Blak Sage Gallery of Fine Art

 And Here. . .

Hollister Muffler

Sunday, April 1, 2012

A View from Sunset Drive

I usually think of Sunset Drive in Hollister as the street where Hazel Hawkins Hospital and various medical offices are located. So, I'm always surprised at the sights when I'm walking or pedaling my bicycle on the eastern end of Sunset Drive. For example:

The view of St. Benedict Church from Sunset Drive.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

How Far is the Ocean?

See the white sailboat.

See the mountain peak above it. That's Fremont Peak in San Benito County. The peak stands 3,169 feet high, according to the Fremont Peak State Park Web site.

For all you Hollister, California clothing fans, the real (inland) Hollister, California is the county seat of San Benito County, which is several miles east of Fremont Peak.

 I've taken this photo from West Cliff Drive, next to the Santa Cruz Surfing Museum in Santa Cruz. Between where I stood and Fremont Peak is about 32 miles. That is, as the crow flies.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Orchards in Bloom

I was craving for a taste of wild mustard last Saturday. So, on our way home from the Pinnacle Farmstand, the Husband humored me and pulled over at an apple orchard. I happily traipsed through the orchard to gather a few handfuls of young mustard leaves.

The mustard leaves were first parboiled, then sauteed in olive oil, lots of garlic, and a couple of splashes of soy sauce. The result: The mustard was disappointingly quite mild. Oh, well.

I'm still craving a taste of wild mustard.



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