Friday, March 21, 2014

Coming into Hollister from the North

The Gabilan Mountains that we see beyond San Benito Street never stops to amaze me. I love how they tower over the city. I took them for granted as a kid, but then what do kids know.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


The first moment of Spring starts at 9:57 AM today. So says the Old Farmer's Almanac.

The coming of Spring usually makes me go search for this song by Daniel Valdez, a local musician and one of the founding members of El Teatro CampesiƱo. It's a sweet song called "Primavera" from his 1973 record Mestizo.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Wizard's Cafe

When you're driving north on San Felipe Road, do you sometimes notice the Wizard's Cafe on the right as you're passing by the airport? If you're like me, you think, "Gee, I forget about the Wizard's Cafe." Or, if you haven't been there before, maybe, "I should try it some time."

The Wizard's Cafe is a neat diner run by Corbin for its employees and customers. It's also open to the public. According to Corbin's website, the cafe is open from Thursday to Saturday, 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM. 

And, yes, that's a mural of Marlon Brando's character from the movie, The Wild One.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Hollister Tamales and Tee-shirts!

Here's another local tee-shirt that outshines any fictional one! If you want one, head over to the Progresso Tamale Parlor on 230 Third Street.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Receding Fog

We've been getting a lot of fog lately. Have you ever noticed how on some days it makes its way back towards the west? This photo was taken a few days ago from Cienega Road, looking across the San Benito River by the Union Road bridge. 



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