Friday, June 20, 2014

Quarry–Plant 25

Whenever the Husband and I drove north on San Felipe Road, past the Hollister Airport, we looked to the west and wondered what the tall structures are in the distance alongside the hill. All we knew was that big trucks enter and exit a dirt road off of Bolsa Road on the other side of that hill.

I recently learned that it's a quarry over there and it was established in 1999. So much for imagining it was an archaeological dig or a small city of Oz being built. The Don Chapin Company, an engineering construction company, owns Quarry–Plant 25, which makes ready-made concrete, precast concrete, and other products for different types and sizes of residential and commercial construction projects. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Another View from Park Hill

This scene always makes me think of driving south on 101 passing by a certain exit for Hollywood. Just as long as I pretend the mountains aren't there. Thank goodness we don't have to deal with any kind of freeway traffic or big city jams.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Details

Check out the beautiful detail work of the Grangers Union Building, which takes up half the block on San Benito Street. It was built in 1917.  Today, the building is home to Mars Hill Coffeehouse, She's, and West Coast Music and Dance FX, among others.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Elvis is in the House

More specifically, Elvis was in the hanger. Elvis did portray a pilot in a few of his movies so he was quite comfortable singing in one of the hangers at the Hollister Airport.

Ah, but that was Donald Elvis and his Hound Dogs performing at the Hollister Airshow on Saturday afternoon. Pretty durn good they were. And, like the original singer, Donald Elvis was charming the ladies with his voice, looks, and shaking pelvis.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Comfortably Numb

Comfortably Numb.

"Is the plane called that because of how you feel after awhile?" I asked Kimberly Walsh, an aircraft mechanic, who spoke to us about the Stearman P-51 Mustang at this weekend's Hollister Airshow.

She laughed, then told me that the airplane once belonged to David Gilmour, guitarist of Pink Floyd. So, this former World War II fighter trainer was a tribute to Gilmour.

The plane was one of four Mustangs that demonstrated its power and beauty in the Parade of the Warbirds at the local air show.

The Hollister Airshow was loads of fun. Did you go? What was one of your favorite parts of the sow?

To see more photos, check out this Take 25 to Hollister album on Facebook:



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