Friday, May 10, 2013

Save the Date for the San Benito Olive Festival!

Are you ready for an olive festival in our own neck of the woods?

Sure, you are!  The first annual San Benito Olive Festival will take place October 19, 2013 at the historic Paicines Ranch. Save the date and please spread the word.

Double click on the image to see the full version.


  1. The only olives we get in the UK are in jars but then the weather over there is better than ours which is overcast at the moment.

    1. LOL. Hope they're yummy olives in jars. It's not until recently that I think of olives in anything but cans.

  2. I repeat what Bill above say we only get olives in jars.

  3. Curious as to why the flyer says this is a not for profit organization, and when Googled, it is listed as a profit corporation. Any info on that?

    1. Hi, Lori. Just answered your question at Facebook. The San Benito Olive Festival is a non profit group. No body knows how that Web site could have come up with that info.

  4. Hi Su-siee .. the great can and jar mix ... we can get olives in both versions here and direct from olive bars - in farmer's markets or from supermarkets ...

    Glad it's not for profit .. and I'd love to join you for a visit ... I've been to an olive festival ... cheers Hilary

  5. Hi, Hilary, I was just thinking that if I was crafty, I could make chimes out of the cans and jars. There's gotta be a punny name for the chimes, along the line of "Olive and Breathe."


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