Many years from now, the future old fogeys of Hollister will tell the young'uns how Highway 25 ran through downtown Hollister. "It used to be," they would say, "You merged from Bolsa Road onto San Felipe Road near Tiffany Motors. San Felipe Road turned into San Benito Street at Santa Ana Road, and you drove it all the way through town. You turned left by the high school and when you reached Safeway, you turned right to connect with Airline Highway."
Until a few weeks ago, Highway 25 officially ran through downtown Hollister. The bypass was constructed with the intent that the ownership of the downtown section of the highway would be transferred to the City of Hollister when the bypass was completed. It took a while for it to happen, but finally on March 7, 2014, the deed was done. Now, instead of a sign saying Highway 25 leading drivers through downtown Hollister, we'll be seeing signs (if they aren't up already), directing drivers to the highway.
So, what does this all mean? Hopefully wonderful things for us, citizens and businesses, of Hollister and San Benito County. Several years ago, the Hollister Downtown Strategy Plan was created to envision the possibilities for downtown Hollister. Be truly cool, if some, if not all, could become a reality. You can read the plan at this page at the Hollister Downtown Association web site.
By the way, this afternoon, the Hollister Downtown Association will be hosting a Downtown Street Transfer Party, from 2 to 5 PM, in the Veterans' Memorial Building Plaza. There will be dancing in the street. Rain or shine!
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