Sunday, June 22, 2014

2014 Old Mission San Juan Bautista Fiesta

The statue of John the Baptist was created by Sculptor Thomas Marsh.

Today, the Mission San Juan Bautista congregation is having its annual celebration to honor St. John the Baptist, the patron saint of the old mission, and its 202nd anniversary.

The fiesta runs from 11 AM to 5 PM. Admission is free to everyone.

The celebration begins with a procession led by the  Grupo Nauhcampa at 11 AM to the historic olive grove, on the north side of the Mission, where the fiesta is held. They lead another procession at 1 PM.

Live entertainment is provided by the Mariachi Juvenil Alma de Mexico and the Nu-Horizon Band. The traditional chicken barbecue lunch plate, with sides of chili beans, salad and French bread, is available for purchase at $8/plate.

For further details, check out the article by Ernest Franco in the Out and About Magazine.


  1. Very nice sculpure with the church in the background

    1. I thought the sculptor chose an interesting pose for John the Baptist. Also, that he decided to make John as an Ohlone, the people who lived in this area when the Spanish came.


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