Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Bike Seats in Hollister

Corbin Seats is well-known for producing custom motorcycle seats and accessories. Its manufacturing facilities is located in the Hollister Business Park across from the Hollister Municipal Airport. According to the Corbin Web site, it employs 100 craftspeople to handcraft a variety of products, including saddles, saddlebags, backrests, fairings and body components for street bikes, off-road bikes, and scooters. For more about the company, check out its Web site

This year, Corbin will hold its 4th Annual Rider Appreciation Day  during the 2013 Hollister Motorcycle Rally on July 5 and 6, which will be the first  biker rally sanctioned by the City of Hollister since 2009. For schedule information about Corbin's Appreciation Day, go to this link.  For information about the 2013 rally, check out this link.

Back in the late 1990s, Mike Corbin, the company owner, invented a cute little electric car called the Sparrow,  Only a few hundred were built because of the lack of technology and other problems. Today, Corbin is producing a newer version of the Sparrow. Here's a neat story about it:  Sparrow 2: The Redemption of an EV Pioneer by Jim Merithew. 

February 18 to 24 theme for Take 25 to Hollister: Bikers, Motorcycles, and Hollister

Monday, February 18, 2013

Destination: Birthplace of the American Biker

The theme this week, February 18 to 24,  is Bikers, Motorcycles, and Hollister. . .

A common sight: Visiting bikers taking photos of the cool mural on Wentz Alley.

Bikers rumbling through downtown Hollister on any given day is a regular thing. Many of them are visitors who have come to experience the Birthplace of the American Biker. They come singly, in duos, as trios, and in packs of four or more. Some just drive through as they head to near and far in San Benito County, while others pull up and rest a spell.

How did Hollister become known as the Birthplace of the American Biker? Because of what took place on the July 4th weekend in 1947, in which the City of Hollister decided to commemorate in 1997 with a 50th anniversary biker rally. And, that began the annual motorcycle rally that became known to bikers far and wide. To read more about the 1947 event, go to this page at Take 25 to Hollister.

By the way, the official Hollister Independence Biker Rally is back this year: July 5 and 6, 2013. Head over to The Hollister Rally Web site for information.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013

American Red Cross

Do you know where the local American Red Cross office is located?

The  Hollister American Red Cross office is part of the Monterey Bay Chapter.  The local office is at 357 Fifth Street, next to the City Hall. It's open Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

February 11 to 17 theme for Take 25 to Hollister: Red in Downtown Hollister

Friday, February 15, 2013

Local Plays at the Granada

The Granada Theater on Fifth Street was one of two movie theaters in Hollister for several decades. State Theater, the larger—and probably the older—one stood on the corner of San Benito and Seventh Streets. The 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake damaged the State Theater, and sometime later it was burned down in a fire.

As a kid, I remember the Granada showed Spanish-language movies.  Today, local theater groups present live performances there. Starting tonight, the San Benito Stage Company will be performing the musical Monty Python's Spamalot.

The Granada Theater is available for rent. Contact the San Benito Stage Company for information.

February 11 to 17 theme for Take 25 to Hollister: Red in Downtown Hollister



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