Thursday, April 10, 2014

Taking an Afternoon Stroll

This cute dog was mopping up a lot of attention as he walked through the San Juan Bautista Fine Arts and Quality Crafts Festival a couple of weeks ago. Anyone else think he (or she) was sporting dreadlocks?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Smelling the Roses

The roses are bursting in bloom around town. Have you noticed?

The other day, the Husband and I stopped to admire the roses in front of a house on Seventh Street. As I smelled a red rose, the Husband, having no sense of smell, asked, "Do the different colors have different smells?"

I leaned over to sniff an orange rose. "Yes, they do." I can't remember what I told him the rose smelled like, but the red rose reminded me of the taste of vanilla.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Blossoms at City Hall

The trees in front of the City Hall are in blossom right now. They're more gorgeous in person. Check them out, if you can.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Sunday, April 6, 2014

620 Monterey Street

The church on the southwest corner of Monterey and Sixth Street was built around 1883 as the First Presbyterian Church. Today, it is the Hollister Church of Christ.

The (southern) wing was added to the church in 1929, as well as the wooden stucture was plastered in stucco.  The two towers have always intrigued me. I wonder if it's possible to get up into the towers, if there were once windows in the towers, and if bells used to toll from them.



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