Friday, May 16, 2014

Park Hill

View of Park Hill from Highway 25

What caused Park Hill to stick up above Hollister's valley floor? Have you ever wondered about that?

The Calaveras Fault skirts along the western base of the hill, so maybe it was pushed up by tectonic activity over millions of year. That's one theory of geologists.

Another theory is that Vista Hill somehow escaped being eroded away by whatever it was that wore down the terrain into a valley.

What do you think?

If you're interested in reading more the Calaveras Fault in Hollister, check out this page at Geology Calaveras Fault in Hollister, CA.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Xylophones in the Making?

Don't these look like xylophones?

Could this be an upcoming xylophone store?

Ah, if only.

The produce market that has been slowly going up next to Speedee Oil in the shopping plaza on Sunnyslope  Road and Airline Highway is showing signs that it may be opening soon. I wonder what fruits and veggies will be covering the xylophone-looking counters.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Yellow Barn

I saw what looks to be a yellow barn today. A lot of the paint has peeled. But, then, it's also possible that the old barn was wearing yellow lichen. Either way, I thought this yellow barn below the Sunnyslope County Water District office on Airline Highway (aka Highway 25) is rather cool looking.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

If Injured Plants Had a Say

I don't get why people have to carve out messages on trees, cactuses, and other plants. Do you? Plants are living creatures, too, just like us, humans. After all, they perform an essential role in our ability to live everyday.

This particular tree is on Fourth Street in San Juan Bautista. It actually looks like its hurt, sad, and a bit angry. If it had a say in the matter, would it agree to have been carved? Would it retaliate by sending word to all the trees and plants to stop making oxygen for those persons who maimed it?

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Rock Faces of the Pinnacles

According to Cambridge Dictionaries online, the definition of rock face is "an area of vertical surface on a large rock or mountain."

To me, a rock face is a face—eyes, nose, mouth, and so on—that I see outlined in a rock. And, I see many rock faces in the Pinnacles National Park. How about you?



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