Thursday, September 25, 2014

Rain! Yaaaaaay, Rain!

The sound of rain in the streets, the drain pipes, the roof, and all over is a very welcoming sound and sight for us who are experiencing a severe drought. And, it's really splashing and dripping and splattering with happy gusto right now.

I thought it was just fog out there so when I finally looked out the window this morning, voila, wet sidewalk. I quickly went out the front door to get the newspaper and, of course, to take photos of the rain.

Thank you, Great Spirit of the Universe!

Can you see the rain drops?

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Took Wing

One definition of to take wing is to become joyful.  Perhaps, these ocean birds flying over the Asilomar State Marine Reserve may not be able to smile, but I like to think their spirits wore joyful smiles. I know that's how I felt as the Husband and I took wing and wandered around Monterey yesterday.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Rumbling Through Town

I haven't seen too many big trucks rumbling through town since the Highway 25 bypass was built a few years ago.  So, this orange dude of a truck caught my eye as it rumbled through the intersection. I managed to get a shot before it got too far out of range.

I'm hanging out at Our World Tuesday. Click here to check out bloggers from other parts of the U.S. and the world.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Gorgeous San Benito County Scenery

Practically everywhere you look in San Benito County is a gorgeous scene. This is looking towards the Gabilan Mountains from the lot near Bertuccio's, off Airline Highway (aka Highway 25).

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Cute and Cozy for Now

After being out and about in the large sprawl of humanity of the Bay Area yesterday, the Husband and I were very happy, and relieved, to turn homeward on the Bolsa, aka Highway 25. I suppose one day our county will eventually become the southern end of the Bay Area sprawl, with houses and businesses lined up from beginning to end of Highway 25. But, I hope that will be in a far distant future. Until then we shall enjoy the comfort and coziness of a cute small town ambiance.



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