Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A&W Restaurant

The root beer floats from the A&W on the corner of South & East Streets are delicious memories. One of these days, I'll give in to the A&W bear's invitation and see if the A&W's root beer float  tastes just as good as I remember.

Monday, January 20, 2014


For another view of this huge metal mass, click here.

When I was growing up in Hollister in the 1960s, almost every kid I knew had at least one relative working for the canneries. In my family, Auntie Virginia was a regular on the line for many, many years while the Only and Older Bionic Brother worked there when he was attending Gavilan.

I applied for a line job when I was 18 or 19. You had to come prepared to work, with your apron, hairnet, rubber gloves, and, if my memory is correct, a paring knife. You stood in a group with women of all ages, watching women working on the canning line as you waited for the person-who-chose-new workers to do his thing. He looked out onto the mass of eager applicants and picked out women for the openings. What his criteria was, I have no idea. I just knew I didn't fit it.

Back then, there were two working canneries, both on Sally Street, but with one on either side of South Street. Today, all the buildings make up San Benito Foods, which is part of the Neil Jones Food Company.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sacred Rain Ceremony

This morning, the Husband and I joined about 80 folks or more at the San Juan Bautista State Historic Park Plaza Green to participate in the Sacred Rain Ceremony presented by the San Juan Intertribal Council led by Sonny and Leynee Reyna. Also joining in prayer and song were Ann Marie Sayers and Canyon Sayers from Indian Canyon in Hollister.

The blue sky was quite clear when the ceremony began. By the middle of the ceremony, clouds came creeping in from the south and west. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. Let us not question though. In each our own way, let us continue hoping and praying for a gentle, nourishing rain to feed the Earth, the animals, and us, all.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

We are in a Drought!

The hills surrounding San Juan Bautista ought to be green by now!

It is official.  Yesterday, Governor Brown declared the State of Emergency about our drought conditions. Bottom line: The Governor urges that everyone -- from individuals to farmers, small businesses, big corporations, public agencies, nonprofits, and others -- to use less water. Specifically, Governor Brown strongly suggests that everyone reduce their water usage by 20 percent. To read Governor Brown's State of Emergency drought proclamation, click here. For water conservation tips, check out Save Our Water.

Tomorrow, Sunday, January 19, at 9:30 AM, the San Juan Intertribal Council and San Juan Bautista community will hold a Sacred Rain Ceremony on the San Juan Bautista State Historic Park Plaza Green. The ceremony will be presented by Leynee and Sonny Reyna of the San Juan Intertribal Council. They ask that everyone bring a bottle of water and a cup. And, if your umbrella is handy, bring that as well.  You never know!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Drink & Eat Locally: Vertigo Coffee

These days I can only have coffee once in a long while, and when I do it needs to be the decaf stuff. I might as well go without rather than drink decaffeinated, right? Then Vertigo Coffee in San Juan Bautista made me a cup of decaf. Whoo-hooo! The taste.  The aroma. Sigh. I was in heaven.

Vertigo Coffee, at 81 Fourth Street, is now open until 7 pm, Tuesday through Sunday. Check out their hours and more at their website. For those of you who haven't been to Vertigo yet, you can also order teas and chocolates as well as  pizzas, breakfast wraps, and other dishes.



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