Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sacred Rain Ceremony

This morning, the Husband and I joined about 80 folks or more at the San Juan Bautista State Historic Park Plaza Green to participate in the Sacred Rain Ceremony presented by the San Juan Intertribal Council led by Sonny and Leynee Reyna. Also joining in prayer and song were Ann Marie Sayers and Canyon Sayers from Indian Canyon in Hollister.

The blue sky was quite clear when the ceremony began. By the middle of the ceremony, clouds came creeping in from the south and west. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. Let us not question though. In each our own way, let us continue hoping and praying for a gentle, nourishing rain to feed the Earth, the animals, and us, all.


  1. Well I hpe you do get rain, I'm fed up with the stuff here.

    1. May the imbalance change soon. But, I hope when the rain comes, it isn't a deluge. Knock on wood.


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