Monday, September 22, 2008

Steeple to Steeple 5-Mile Family Fun Run/Walk

On Saturday, October 4th, expect to see families and individuals, children and adults, tots and the elderly, make their way west through the streets of Hollister for the “Steeple to Steeple” event. This is a fundraiser for the Sacred Heart/St. Benedict’s parish.

The steeples, of course, refer to those of the two churches.

You start at the newer church, St Benedict’s, on Fairview Road, between Sunnyslope Road & John Smith Road. (Rather nice-looking setting, doncha think? One of these days, I'll check out a mass.)

You then run or walk 5 miles northwesterly to Sacred Heart Church (at Fifth Street & College). That's the original (at least I think it is) parish church, which is a few blocks west of the center of town.

Sacred Heart is a lovely example of a traditional Roman Catholic church with stained-glass windows and an altar full of statues of saints. I remember Latin masses there when I was a kid. I also recall my dad telling us, as he was driving us home, to stop fighting cause we just came out of church.

You can pre-register or sign in at 8 a.m. on the day of the event. And no, you don't have to be of the denomination to join in on the fun. At least, no one has told me differently.

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