Saturday, December 18, 2010

Shop Locally: She's

Unfortunately, we don't have that many clothing stores in town. But, the few independent shops that are in town offer quality goods. She's on San Benito Street, across from the Veterans Memorial Building, is such a one. The shop sells women's clothing, jewelry, shoes, and other accessories. As the the sign says on the store awning, there is a men's corner, and it is just that.

She's resides in what was once Ladd Hardware. I'm sure many of you baby boomers and older folks who grew up in the area remember the store.


  1. I don't think I've ever been to Hollister in the 34 years I've lived in San Mateo County....I have stopped several times in San Juan Baptista, though. Have you always lived there?

  2. Hi, Carmen: Born and bred, as the saying goes. I moved up to SF for college 100s of years ago and lived in the city and the east bay until several years ago when the husband and I moved down here. I didn't realize how much I missed the expansiveness of the sky here.


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