Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Library Bookmobile

Driving a bookmobile is one of my dream jobs. It would be so fun and satisfying. It would be like bringing Christmas gifts to people everyday.

For more about the San Benito County Library Bookmobile, click here.


  1. Book Mobiles!!! I was one of the children who could not wait for Bookmobile Day!!!
    YOU would be a Gift to visitors in a book mobile . . you would lift spirits and change lives - offering the world to anyone willing to visit . . . That San Bonito Mobile has a generous schedule. makes me happy to think about it.

    1. You and the Husband are the only people I know so far who got books from bookmobiles as kids. I was in 4th grade before I knew there was such a thing as a library where I could borrow books for free. I was one of those kids who borrowed as many books as we were allowed. I love your enthusiasm, Georgy. Thank you.

  2. I'm definitely going to look into this. It isn't located near me, but maybe there is one in my area. Thanks for sharing.


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