Sunday, March 6, 2016

From Open Fields to Blocks of Houses

This could be the last year that we see Spring in the fields east of Fairview Road, between Hillcrest and Sunnyslope Road.

The Santana Ranch development is in the works. Construction began on the southeast end in 2015. A few of the Anderson Homes are already up and ready for sale. According to the developer's website, it offers five floor plans. Interestingly four of the names reflect a seaside setting—The Carmel, The Monterey, The Cypress, and The Big Sur.

The fifth name is The Bixby. At first, I thought it was chosen to honor Lewellyn Bixby, one of the men who purchased the San Justo Ranch way back when. But, wouldn't there then be houseplans named for the other co-purchasers? You know, like  The Flint (for Thomas and Benjamin Flint) and The Colonel (for William Welles Hollister).  There are none. So, maybe The Bixby is named for the Bixby Bridge.

How did I get onto that subject?


When the construction is all over, 1,100 houses will be standing upon once was open fields. Let us enjoy the unobstructed view while we can.

From the archives: November 13, 2011

From the archives: February 18, 2011


  1. Gosh this is the story all over! Wishing you a decent outcome

    1. Thanks, Cloudia. It's going to be interesting just traffic-wise once a lot of people start moving in. We're still mostly a two-lane community with few traffic lights.

  2. Houses instead of fields??? Doesn't anyone realize there will be plenty of rain again and crops will grow????
    hmmmm -

    I sure like your photos.

    1. PS - how about the actor, Bill Bixby - from a show called "Eddie's Father" - maybe the designers were fans . . (giggle)

    2. Thanks, G. I like thinking that The Bixby was named after Bill Bixby. The house plan is the largest of the five so I'll think of as when Bill Bixby played the Hulk. giggle, giggle, guffaw!


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