Wednesday, September 11, 2013

One 'ell of a Law Firm

Lawyers! Many can't stand them. That is,  until one is needed. And, then, they hope they've found one 'ell of a lawyer.

The View from 5th & San Benito series
Click here if you want an answer to "Huh. Series?"

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hanging on the Corner of 5th & San Benito

One afternoon the Husband and I were sitting on the bench at the southwest corner of 5th and San Benito, after waddling down the sidewalk from eating a couple of yummylicious burgers at Grillin & Chillin Downtown. That's quite a delightful corner to watch the world go by on a lovely afternoon. As usual, the little non obtrusive camera found its way out of my purse and into my hands to click away. Voila! 

Wentz Alley

Without trying, I now have a series I shall call Hanging on the Corner of 5th and San Benito in Hysterical... okay, Historical...Downtown Hollister. Short title: The View from 5th & San Benito.

Bet you didn't know the series started last Friday with this post? Me, neither.

Friday, September 6, 2013

"The Plane, The Plane"

Who knows where this shop is in  historical downtown  Hollister? Who remembers what shop was there before it? (I don't know.) And, hmmm, who said, "The Plane, The Plane" and in what TV show?

The View from 5th & San Benito series
Click here if you want an answer to "Huh. Series?"

Friday, August 30, 2013

Tres Pinos, California

Tres Pinos is about five miles south of Hollister.  Highway 25 runs through the business section of the quaint little town of 476 residents, so you can't miss it.  

In Spanish, Tres Pinos means three pines. But, in this Tres Pinos, the three pines do not exist. Originally, the town was called Paicines, after the Indian tribe of the area. About five miles to the south of the current Tres Pinos is an even smaller town by the name of Paicines. Uh-huh. You got it. Once upon the same time, that village was called Tres Pinos for the three pines that stood alongside the nearby creek. Why the name switch? Click here for the story.

Things to Do

The San Benito County Historic Park
Tres Pinos may be small, but it has a lot to offer. On the southern edge of town is the beautiful Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, which is worth a stop to look inside and to  around the grounds. Head over to here to see a few photos of it.
By the way, don't be surprised if you suddenly hear a strange flutter above you and then the sight of legs sticking out from under colorful parachutes. The field across from the church is the drop zone for Skydive Hollister, the local skydiving outfit.

If you're into golf, or just want to hit a bucket of balls, stop by the Bolado Park Golf Club, about half-a-mile or less down the road. It's a public golf course with 9 holes.  

Or, if it's history that you want to escape into, stop at the nearby San Benito County Historical and Recrational Park to wander through the Historical Village. There's also a short trail that goes along the hillside above the park. Nice far-away views from there.

The San Benito County Fairgrounds, more popularly known as Bolado Park, is also located in Tres Pinos. RV camping is available year-round on the lovely grounds. Two of the largest events held there each year are the San Benito County Saddle Horse Show & Rodeo in June and, of course, the County Fair, which will be from October 4 to 6 this year.

Crepes from Flapjack's Country Cafe


When you're hungry, you don't have to go far to fill your tummies with yummy food and drink. Heading back north from Bolado Park on Highway 25, your choices include:

Organic Crops

Some of the best tasting chickens, eggs, and walnuts are produced in Tres Pinos. Paul and Leti Hain of Hain Ranch Organics sell their products at farmers markets and through the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. Folks can also purchase their goods directly at their farm on harvest days. You can't get any fresher than that!  Check out their website for details.  Be sure to watch the video in which Paul describes how he raises the chickens. 

A delivery of chickies to the Hain Ranch Organics.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

New Stores Coming Soon

Who else is surprised how quickly Walgreen's is going up at the corner of Highway 25 and Tres Pinos Road? When they first began construction, I could not see how a big pharmacy like Walgreen's could fit in that seemingly awkward space. When I saw the building the other day, I was  amazed at how big  it is.

 A Toy Store

Have you heard about Zeebee Toys near Staples? It's not open yet, but it does have a Facebook page. Check it out.



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