Friday, October 14, 2016

I Spy . . . a New Restaurant Opening Soon!

I spy with my little eye activity going on in the old Pendergrass Hotel at the southwest corner of San Benito and Fifth Streets.  The sign says that a new restaurant is going up. A little bit of research uncovered a Benitolink article written this past July about the upcoming Hollister House Bar & Grill.

The article stated that the owner hoped for an October 1 opening. That's okay. Hollister's ready when you are!

Friday, October 7, 2016

I Spy . . . a Dinosaur!

I spy with my little eye one of the Swank Farms' dinosaurs from the sky. Roarrrrrrrrr!

By the way, the Swank Farms' corn maze and pumpkin patch are now open until October 31, 2016. If you haven't yet, go check out the fun. Swank's is located on San Felipe Road, just north of the Hollister Airport. Look for the dinosaur. For more info, visit the Swank Farms website.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Soaring Above Hollister

Last Friday, the Husband and I celebrated our wedding anniversary by soaring high above our fair city. Yup. Through, we purchased discounted tickets for scenic sailplane rides with the Bay Area Glider Rides/Hollister Soaring Center, located at the Hollister Airport. The local outfit has been offering scenic rides, soaring lessons, and glider towing services at the airport since 1993. About four or five years ago, it was purchased by Bill and Sharon, who are originally from Vermont.

Bay Area Glider Rides is the only operation in the San Francisco and Monterey Bay areas to offer glider rides to the public. Depending on the ride, you soar over 4,500 to 6,000 feet. Two of the scenic rides fly around San Benito County, while the third soars above Monterey Bay.

The sailplanes can accommodate two passengers, but the Husband and I purchased individual rides. The weight limit is 328 pounds for passengers, which uhm the Husband and I exceed. That was fine, more room in the back to sit.

For the Husband's trip, the sailplane was towed to the west, where Pilot Bill and the Husband glided above Fremont's Peak. I was interested in seeing what it looked like above the Diablo range, so that's where Pilot Bill took me.

Here's how ditsy I can be: I thought that the Central Valley starts immediately behind the Diablo Mountains. So, I was very surprised to see a narrow valley beneath the eastern side of Santa Ana Mountain, and that there were a couple other ridges beyond that valley.

Pilot Bill and Jake, one of the Bay Area Glider Ride employees, said it was a clear day for soaring. One of the best days in a long while. From the sailplane, Pilot Bill and I saw the San Luis Reservoir. I thought I could see the Sierras.

Another thing I didn't realize is how near we really are to the ocean. The Husband says that Hollister is about 23 miles from Monterey Bay as the crow flies. Caw, caw. 

Would I soar again?

Is Hollister the county seat of San Benito County?

Friday, September 23, 2016

I Spy . . . A Yellow Door

I spy with my little eye a happy yellow door around the middle of Downtown Hollister. Open the door at 615 San Benito Street and enter the Farmhouse Cafe, a restaurant that opened recently.

I haven't tried it yet, but I've heard many good things about it. Fresh local organic ingredients, friendly people,  and delicious food. What's not to like about that, right?

Farmhouse Cafe is open from Monday to Saturday, 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Check out the Farmhouse Cafe website to learn more about them.

Monday, September 19, 2016

A Bushel and A Peck of Talent!

There was a great deal of local talent to be seen and heard this past Saturday afternoon. Young and old. Everyone of these artists were full of energy, passion, and delight.

The youthful dance troupe in the photo above are students from Sammy's Animation Dance Community. They caught the Husband's and my attention immediately upon arrival at the annual LULAC Community Health Fair, which was held at the Hollister Community Center. The young men and women performed hip hop individually and together. They were popping and locking, tumbling, and doing all sorts of amazing choreographed and improvised steps.

Moondance, a group of outstanding musicians, also performed at Saturday's health fair. Actually, the Husband and I attended just to hear the band play. This band rocks big time!

Originally formed in 1976, Moondance performs at local events as well as at private parties and various venues, such as Ridgemark County Club, Mom & Pop's Saloon,  Chillin & Grillin Roadhouse, in and nearby Hollister. You can learn more about Moondance, along with hearing them play at its website.

Zack Freitas was performing his original songs, along with popular cover songs, at Fisher's Delicatessen during the Downtown Hollister Beer and Bacon Crawl. Zach has a unique voice. Intense. Intimate. Thoughtful. Listen for yourself at Zack's website.

Zack, Moondance, and the dancers from Sammy's Animation Dance Community are only the tip of talented artists from Hollister.  We are fortunate!



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