Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ten Smells of Hollister, California

I have yet to sniff the Hollister California line of bottled fragrances. But, it intrigues me that some people are willing to buy and apply a smell that would make others (and themselves) think they are living a fabricated Hollister California life.

It also got me thinking about the aromas of my hometown. What could I bottle and sell as Sigh, I’m Feeling Nostalgic for the real Hollister California? These are my top 10 smells (past and present). They are not in any particular odor. Hee-hee, I couldn’t resist the pun.
  1. The wild mustard that bloom in spring
  2. The tons of tomatoes as they are being canned on a hot summer evening
  3. Freshly-mowed grass on a Saturday morning
  4. Morning fog that clings to rows upon rows of tomato plants
  5. The heaps of fresh compost on Highway 25
  6. Manure just laid on newly-prepared vegetable fields
  7. Meat being barbequed on charcoal by next-door neighbors
  8. Gas, oil, and/or burning rubber fumes of a beyond-vintage truck or car passing by
  9. The livestock stalls at the county fair
  10. Approaching rain
What aromas get you thinking of home?


  1. Well, as you know, I can't smell. However, correct me if I'm wrong. Most of those odors are what people tell me stink. Why remember them, pray tell?

  2. Dick may have a point...most of the odors that remind me of home do stink! But, Hollister is still home and you have to love it.

    I'm going to miss the hot tar smell generated by Leatherback.

    Oh here's good one...step into McKinnon Lumber on any day of the week and check out the wonderful smell of freshly sawn lumber. Can't find that smell in just any downtown!

  3. The walnut orchard photo sure kicked up memories for me, having spent a big chunk of my youth in and about walnut orchards.

  4. How about sulfuring apricots? For those of us who cut cots, the smell stirs up memories of cutting sheds and drying yards. And the taste of those fresh cots, sloppy slabs, sulfured cots... YUM!

  5. Hubby Dick, it's not that I try to remember the smells. When I detect 'em, then I remember!

    Hey HDA! I'm glad you stopped by. You bet, "freshly sawn lumber," delightful!

    Hi Charlie! I'm happy to please.

    Cindy B, hola! Apricots, yes!

    Today, I happened onto another fragrance at the end of Sunnyslope Road--the delight of young green fields!


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