Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Sweetest Parade of Hollister

Around ten in the morning of July 4, 2014,  while bikers begin rumbling into Hollister and parking their metal steeds on main street, the most adoringly sweetest, and shortest, parade of Hollister shall march along Memorial Drive, from Hillcrest Road to Meridian Street.

The annual Fourth of July Kiddie Parade is my favorite of all the parades that we have in Hollister. What's not to like! It's all about the younger children. Bicycles, scooters, wagons, and strollers, as well as many of the kids, are dressed in 4th of July glory. The boys and girls follow Uncle Sam and an all-kids band, as they walk, scoot, roll, and pedal the few short blocks to Marguerite Maze School. Many of them have their parents, grandparents, older siblings, and other adult relatives alongside them.

Everyone—of all ages—is welcome to march in the parade. If you and/or your kids are interested, you need to line up at the Veterans Memorial Park parking lot (corner of Memorial Drive and Hillcrest Road) by 10 AM.

Spectators: It's truly a short parade. So, if you want to see it all, be sure to get to Memorial Drive, between Hillcrest Road and Meridian Street, by 10 AM, too.

For photos of last year's sweetest parade, please click here.

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