The one-story commercial building at 417 San Benito Street is another example of 1880 architecture in the Downtown Hollister Historic District. The storefront, though, may have been remodeled after the 1906 Earthquake. Today, it's home to Silvia's Jewelry and Gifts.

Ever noticed this decorative detail near the top of the building? Beautiful, isn't it? It's described as a diamond-shaped false vent. The beads, I'm guessing, are to simulate vent grilles. The vent makes me think of Tales from the Arabian Nights.

Actually the whole top of the building makes me think of The Tales of One Thousand and One Nights. I like the way the parapet slopes downs from its center on either side and then slightly travels back up. I also like that sloping cornice with a fluted look and that fancy dentil below it. I wonder what the building looked like before the storefront was remodeled.
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