Thursday, April 2, 2015

B is for . . .

Buildings. Historic commercial buildings.

Many of the buildings on Hollister's main street are part of the Downtown Hollister Historic District, which is in the National Register of Historic Places. Here are just a few of the historic buildings. To see more, check out this link.

The two Italianate style buildings were erected in the late 1800s.

The Masonic Lodge built in 1908

This commercial building went up in 1915.

The once-upon-a-time Bank of America building,
constructed around 1930.

The old Elks Lodge built in the early 1920s.

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  1. These building are beautiful, well maintained and almost feel like they should be on Main Street, USA, in Disneyland… which I adore. :) :)

    Great B post - have fun with C - I'll be back.

    Jenny, Pearson Report
    2015 A to Z Challenge Ambassador

    1. I've never been to Disneyland. Now, I have an of what it may look like. :-)


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