Saturday, April 4, 2015

D is for . . .

Looking North on San Benito Street

Drag. As in the main drag.

In Hollister, that's the main street which is called San Benito Street. I was an adult before it dawned on me that the main street in Downtown Hollister was not called Main Street.

Looking south on San Benito Street

D is also for dragging. As in cruising the main drag.

Remember the movie American Graffiti? Teenagers in a small town dragged the main street all night long in their cars or their parents' cars. That was Hollister way back when. After school and on weekends, teenagers slowly dragged the main street from one end to the other, and back again. I recall a guy sitting in a nice comfy chair on a corner of the main street, as if he was king of all the cruisers.

Today, Hollister's main drag gets closed for the Farmers Market every Wednesday afternoon, between May and September.

In July, it's shut down for the Hollister Motorcycle Rally around July 4th, and then again for the Downtown Hollister Street Festival and Car Show later in the month.

And, let me not forget that the street also closes for the various annual parades that take place throughout the year, such as the San Benito County Saddle Horse Show & Rodeo Parade, Veterans Day Parade, and Lights on Celebration Parade.

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  1. Hey I'm posting equestrians Saturday too!

    ALOHA from Honolulu,

  2. We dont have a main street here the place is just a few houses next to a through road. Which is rather nice as I am far to grumpy to mix with folk.

    Have a good A to Z (I may have said this already I an losing the plot and cant remember which blogs i have been too)

    Rob Z Tobor

    1. haha, now that I'm older, I'm happy to be away from a main street.

  3. A main road - or main drag - with many purposes. I like the idea of actually closing the street for events. And Farmers Market is one thing I love.

    1. Some people get peeved when the main street closes for the farmers market or anything else for a few hours. Inconvenience. That cracks me up because we're a small town and a detour around a block or two is nothing. Oh well, what's life without complainers.

  4. I saw my friend!

    what a town, so much going on


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