Wednesday, February 16, 2011

E is for Everywhere

The wild chickens in San Juan Bautista are everywhere! Doesn't matter where you go in that cute mission city. So, drive slowly. Buk, buk, buk. . . .

Take 25 is participating in ABC Wednesday, a weekly meme hosted by Mrs. Nesbitt and her friends. Today is the letter E. To check out other E posts, please click here.


  1. why did the chickens cross the road/
    to be photographed by you!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. Oh yeah.. drivers should be very careful.

    Thanks for visiting my ABC Wed post this week.

  3. Roger beat me to it! Great capture. We used to have a Chicken Rescue across the field from where we used to live, we'd often see the chap who ran it with one of his rescue hens on his shoulder!

  4. Roger, nyuk, nyuk.

    Jenn, yep, that's for sure. I like how some chickens use intersections to cross.

    chubskulit, thank you.

    Barbara, now that would be a photo to see!


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