In 1875, the young town of Hollister established a fire department that consisted of 69 volunteer firemen. The fire department created two hose companies and one hook and ladder company to serve the town as well as the surrounding area.
The hose barns, or fire stations, were built near the north and south borders of Hollister where fires were likely to range the most. Hose Cart #1 was put up on North Street, while Hose Cart #2 was erected in Swope Alley.
Until a few years ago, you might've stumbled upon the small wooden fire station #2 as you wandered through Swope Alley. Today, you can view Hose Cart #2 at the historical village in the San Benito County Historical and Recreation Park, just south of Tres Pinos on Highway 25.
For more information about the historical village, check out this page at the San Benito Historical Society Web site.
Want to read some more history of the establishment of the Hollister Fire Department? Here's a link for you to do so, which is at the Hollister Fire Department web page.
And, for a glance of the today's fire station, head over to this link on Take 25 to Hollister.
February 4 to 10 theme for Take 25 to Hollister: San Benito County Historical Park
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