Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Downtown Hollister Historic District: 427 San Benito Street

One of my favorite commercial buildings in the Downtown Hollister Historic District is located at 427 San Benito Street. I like the unique look of the cornice with it raised center and corner sections and the tiled awnings and the windows of the top floor. That part of the building reminds me of Europe. Italy, perhaps. What do you think?

The two-story historic structure is another contributing building to the Downtown Hollister Historic District. It was constructed around 1915. The storefront on the first floor, however, was remodeled in the early 1970s.  Cheap Seats Pub & Grub put up the baseball cap awning when it opened sometime in the 2000s. The baseball cap is another thing I like about this building.

Today is Our World Tuesday, and that's where I'm hooking up. Click here to check out what bloggers from around the world are sharing at this fun meme.


  1. Replies
    1. I see what you mean if I look at the whole building. haha. I can't see the forest for the trees.

  2. I had to scroll back up to check out the baseball cap !

  3. Interesting how it has evolved over time.

    1. I forgot to mention that when I was a kid it was one of the smokehouses.

  4. Nice and a little Spanish. The people on the top floor no doubt enjoy the transforming leaves of the tall trees they can see through their windows.

    1. The trees are probably a wonderful thing for them, as the view across from them is the parking garage.

  5. I like the awnings on that building. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  6. Cute, I like the baseball cap. I am sure it is a popular place during or after a game.. Have a happy day!

    1. For the longest time, it was one of the few places where we could get a crafts beer on draft.

  7. I like the tiles on top of the awnings and the repeated square shapes. The arched entranceway softens the look,


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