Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Opening

This empty storefront used to be a bar that I've only known as the Smokehouse.  I never thought about asking what it was really called. The other day, the husband and I were walking by the building and noticed an opening in the window. So, of course I had to peek.

Take 25 is participating in ABC Wednesday, a weekly meme hosted by Mrs. Nesbitt and her friends. Today is the letter O. To check out other O posts, please click here.


  1. Thanks so much for this - don't you love the way ABC Wednesday takes us all round the world.

    ABC Team

  2. hope they do something with the place.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. Something a little sad with an abandoned building..but you got a great perspective in your shot.

  4. I am getting addicted with this blogging hobby, I get to see beautiful places and learn interesting things. Very nice O you have here..

    Mind lOOking at my O entry?, have a nice day!

  5. A healthy dose of curiosity never hurt anyone, right?
    An intriguing point of view with this photo.
    Thanks for your comment on my blog.

  6. I thought it would have been an Opium smoking house, lol !

  7. There were 2 bars right next to each other, both skid-road gems, The Smokehouse and The Acme Club. They both had a bar on one side and a food counter on the other with a card room in the back - My father used to tend bar and deal cards at both locations.


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