Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Wild Mustard Calls to Thee

"I ate a flower and two tiny leaves," said the husband. "They were hot!"

That's what happens when your ride your bicycle down a country road on a beautiful day. You just gotta stop, get off, and taste the wild mustard.

Take 25 is participating in ABC Wednesday, a weekly meme hosted by Mrs. Nesbitt and her friends. Today is the letter M. To check out other M posts, please click here.


  1. i'm reminded how tiny the mustard seed is that grows such a big bush.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. Never seen wild mustard before!! beautiful yellow shot.

    ABC Wed: M

  3. I always love to harvest something .. visiting you back!

  4. I've never tasted wild mustard, and now I really want to! Great post for "M" day.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!
    ~Joy @ Joysweb

  5. Sounds irresistible to taste. I like the fact that he ate two leaves and a flower just to make sure, LOL.

  6. Great choice for M, I love to see a field of yellow when the mustard flowers.

  7. Wild mustard greens have been part of our salads lately. A welcome bit of tang!

    Hollister (the real one) brings wonderful memories of my childhood when it was a stop on the route to one of favorite weekend destinations.

    One of the things that I remember, that has probably not been in existence for 70 odd years, was a little stand that sold the best hamburgers I have ever eaten. They cost (gasp!) 5 cents each, a small price even then, and our family usually bought a bag of them. The buns were small compared to current standards.

  8. Magiceye, merci beaucoup!

    Roger, that takes my breath away, too.

    Mar, it smells heavenly, too.

    Working at home: I was tempted to harvest some but didn't have the time to go ask for permission.

    Joy, my favorite of way of fixing is sauteing it in garlic and a bit soy sauce.

    chuskulit, thank you.

    Joy, wow, 2 Joys today. I love it.

    Starnitesky, one of my favorite things about this time of year.

    Granny Smith, I wonder where the hamburger stand was. Also where you were on your way, too. :-)

    Ms. Burrito, danke. :-)

  9. As an old Californian, it was a pleasure to read your post.


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