Thursday, April 7, 2011

Weekend Fun for the Save the Music Drive

Last December, the  Hollister School District board voted to eliminate the elementary school music program after this school year because of lack of funds.  To address this problem, the Rancho-Maze Middle School Band Boosters and the San Benito High School Band Boosters established the Mr. Ostenson's Save the Music Drive. Its goal is to raise $156,000 to fund the elementary school music program for two years.

This Saturday, you can contribute to the fundraiser by stopping at their table or booth at the following events:
  • Cerra Vista Elementary School Rummage Sale  (8 a.m. to 2 p.m.)
  • R.O. Hardin School Carnival (11 a.m. to 3 p.m.)
  • Zumba! at the Marguerite Maze Middle School Gym (2 to 4 p.m.)

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